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文章作者:生活范文网 文章来源:网络转载

Experience in the Spring Festival

Happy time always flies fast, the Spring Festival holiday is so that.I was deeply impressed by what I saw and heard during the Spring Festival.Now I'll share with you what I've seen about the Spring Festival.

In the Spring Festival,my family is very busy.First of all, I would to accompany parents to buy special goods for the Spring Festival.Shopping malls are overcrowded, because everybody wants to take this opportunity to buy special goods for the Spring Festival.In the countryside, the door is hung with red lanterns,and paste the couplets.A big "Fu" word, especially obvious.The table is full of all kinds of food, a large variety of dumplings enough eaten by the whole family.During the Spring Festival, in addition to the above, the most impressive is that I set off firecrackers.On New Year's Eve, fireworks bloom in the night sky, colorful, particularly beautiful.

This is what I saw in the Spring Festival, I feel very happy every day in the holidays.

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